Passing your electrical exam means answering exam questions within a limited period of time.
For example, to achieve a score of at least 80% on a 100 question, four hour exam you’ll need to answer questions at a rate of 2.4 minutes per question. How can you increase the speed with which you answer questions without rushing through the exam and increasing the likelihood of making unnecessary mistakes? The answer in a word is practice.
Repeatedly working through exercises that require you to use key words and phrases in questions to locate code article references, coupled with regularly answering calculation based questions will increase both speed and accuracy when answering exam questions.
Answering the following questions can help you to efficiently manage your examination time:
Is the exam open or closed book?
How many questions are on the exam?
Does the exam use?true/false, multiple choice, essay based questions or a combination thereof?
How much time will I have to complete the exam?
Which edition of the code book should I use?
Are there any additional code amendments that I?ll need to know?
Can I bring notes or other reference materials to the exam?
Can I use a programmable or non-programmable calculator?
When it comes to passing your electrical exam timing really is everything. Preparation is the key to success.?Click ?Register Now? above or call 888-919-3926 and start preparing to pass your exam today!