Pass Your Electrical Exam and Earn What You’re Worth!

Tried of being overlooked for promotions and having to walk away from jobs you know that you could handle if  you were licensed and could pull the required permits?

The only way to become licensed is to properly prepare for and pass your electrical exam.

Do you want to be able to decide when you work, where you work and how much you make?

The only way to really be in control of your career is to become a licensed master or journeyman electrician.

What do I need to know to pass my exam?

You’ll need to know how to:

Use formulas to answer exam questions that may not be referenced in your code book.

We’ll teach you how to use formulas in a way that is easy to understand and remember.

Answer theory related calculation questions to pass your exam. 

We’ll help you to understand and become familiar with theory related exam topics.

Identify and use the key word or phrase in a question to locate the answer in your code book.

We’ll show you how to use key words and phrases in a question in conjunction with both the index and table of contents to find answers in your code book quickly and easily.

We provide one-on-one private tutorial instruction. Instead of sitting in a crowded room with 10, 20, or 30 students all competing for the instructor’s attention, you will be assigned a personal instructor who will focus on your specific needs. 

These are just some of the features of our exam preparation that can ensure exam prep success. We’ll help you to grasp the concepts and develop the test taking skills that will help you to pass the electrical exam. Preparation is the key to success!

Call 888-919-3926 to start preparing to pass your exam today.