If you work in or near Chicago, within the State of Illinois, in any of the surrounding Midwestern states, or would like to submit bids on projects in this area, holding a City of Chicago electrical license can prove to be very valuable. Why? Your earning potential dramatically increases simply because there are greater opportunities to bid on larger ticket jobs in this market.?
The Chicago electrical license is one of the most highly respected licenses and is accepted by many municipalities. However as with anything that is highly prized-achieving a passing score on the Chicago electrical exam requires preparation. You’ll need to be able to answer 150 open book questions (which can be a combination of theory, code and calculation based questions) within a 4 hour period which means you can only spend a maximum of 1.6 minutes?on each question.?In order to pass this exam you’ll need a score of 70% or higher.
To pass this exam you’ll need to be familiar with the Chicago Electrical Code. For example, did you know that:
- No matter how large the raceway or how small the conductors no more than 9 current carrying conductors can be run in a raceway?
- The rules, permits, fines and fee related questions on this exam are based on the Chicago Municipal Code?
We have had over 30 years experience helping electricians translate what they do every day in the field into a passing score on electrical exams in the City of Chicago and nationwide.?Preparation is the key to success! Our patient and?knowledgeable instructors can help you understand and apply the theory, codes and?calculations you’ll need to know.??Call 888-919-3926 to start preparing to pass your exam today.