Our Guarantee

Prepare for your exam with confidence! We guarantee free repeat attendance until you pass along with a 95% first time passing ratio.

Ordinary code classes cost money and time, but can leave you unprepared for your electrical exam. This is the only electrical exam prep seminar that provides the added security of our Repeat Until You Pass guarantee. This unique benefit ensures that the investment you’re making to become a licensed electrician will pay big dividends in the future!

Our focus is your success! That means that when you register for our course, we’ll prepare you to pass any exam in the country. We will work with you at no additional charge until you pass your electrical exam!

When you enroll in our course, we will prepare you to pass any of your exams, no matter what it takes!

Don’t wait! Click here to enroll now, and get started on the path to unlocking your full earning potential.


Guaranteed repeat