Prevent Injuries from Contact of Overhead Power Lines with Metal Ladders
According to the The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health following the seven preventative safety protocols listed below can significantly improve work place safety.
? Identify the location of overhead power lines as a routine part of all initial worksite surveys for jobs involving the use of ladders. Always note power line heights and distances from work areas on site diagrams to provide key information for site supervisors and workers.
? Avoid or limit proximity to power lines whenever possible. Consider ladder length and room for ladder staging (safely raising and lowering ladders).
? Notify the local electric utility company for assistance if work needs to be done near energized, overhead power lines.
? Ensure that workers maintain a safe working distance between power lines and equipment or structures that require periodic maintenance or access.
? Do not store materials or equipment below or near overhead power lines.
? Eliminate the use of metal ladders near energized overhead power lines.
? Ensure that workers keep conductive objects at least 10 feet away from unguarded, energized lines up to 50 kilovolts. For every 10 kilovolts above 50 kilovolts, maintain an additional 4 inches of clearance.
The electrician with the license pulls the permit and controls the safety protocols that are followed. Prepare to pass your exam and pull your own permits. We’ll help you reach your goal! Call 888-919-3926 today.